Attorney Lars Soreide, of Soreide Law Group, has filed a FINRA arbitration against Ellen Erenstein, and Investors Capital, for the sale of Tenants In Common (TIC) real estate investments and other high risk private placements.
The TIC’S and alternative investments sold to Soreide Law Group’s client that Ms. Erenstein recommended, have not performed well and are illiquid. Investors who have invested in these TICs have lost a majority if not all of their investments. Ms. Erenstein often touted the tax benefits and safety of TIC investments without adequately disclosing the level of risk.
It is alleged in the FINRA action that the TICs and private placement investments were inappropriate due to the investor's age, financial situation and sophistication.
Investors in Charlestowne, LLC, Commonwealth Capital Corp.’s Income and Growth Fund V, Icon Leasing Fund Eleven, Shoreview Corporate Center, and Doral Court TICs, have retained Soreide Law Group to recover their losses.
If you invested in a TIC or other private placement investments through Ellen Erenstein formerly of Investors Capital Corp. and believe you were misled, call (888) 760-6552.