In an article, Feb. 7, 2013, in the New York Post, it was reported that (broker-dealer owner), Anastasios “Tommy” Belesis' firm, John Thomas Financial, is being investigated by the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc. (FINRA).
Mr. Belesis has made many media appearances on cable business/financial shows.
According to FINRA's BrokerCheck, S.W. Bach & Co. fired him in 2005 for “inaccurate representation of identity to customer.” In 2001, a client sued him and a firm for $750,000 for churning and a FINRA arbitration panel later awarded the client $259,000. Mr. Belesis and firms he's worked for have settled two other FINRA arbitration claims for nearly $100,000. Belesis paid $46,000 as his share of the settlements.
John Thomas' FINRA record shows failures to disclose fees to clients about transaction charges. Arkansas Securities Department fined John Thomas $25,000 last year for allegedly not disclosing to clients handling fees for stock orders. The Connecticut Banking Department fined the firm $20,000 over similar failures on fee disclosures, and FINRA fined it $275,000 for “postage and handling” violations.
If you have been a client of Anastasios "Tommy" Belesis, and/or his firm, John Thomas Financial, and experienced financial losses call a securities lawyer at (888) 760-6552 or visit