JAMES ALOYSIUS CONWELL II (JIM CONWELL, JAMES A CONWELL) is currently registered with INTERNATIONAL ASSETS ADVISORY, LLC of Daphne, Alabama, as a broker since 7/24/17 and as an investment advisor since 12/18/2018. Conwell was previously registered with WFG ADVISORS, LP of Daphne, Alabama.
According to FINRA’s BrokerCheck, available to the public on FINRA’s website, JAMES A CONWELL, has been in the securities industry for 38 years and has been listed with 7 firms. On Conwell’s FINRA CRD report there are 8 disclosures listed. Of the 8 disclosures, 6 are “Customer Disputes,” 4 disputes were denied and 2 were granted damages each of $5,054,000.00.
In January of 2017 a “Customer Dispute” was filed against JAMES A CONWELL, alleging, “Claimant alleges failure to conduct reasonable due diligence, made material misrepresentations and failed to disclose material facts. These activities are alleged to have occurred in June 2013.” According to FINRA’s BrokerCheck, the amount requested was $75,000.00, however, the amount granted was $5,054,000.00. The broker comment was, “RESPONDENT WFG IS LIABLE FOR AND SHALL PAY TO CLAIMANTS THE SUM OF $5,054,000.00 IN COMPENSATORY DAMAGES.”
In March of 2017, another dispute was filed against JAMES A CONWELL alleging, “Claimants allege failure to conduct reasonable due diligence, made materials misrepresentations and failed to disclose material facts. These activities are alleged to have occurred between June through September 2013.” BrokerCheck reports the damage amount requested was $155,000.00, and the amount granted was $5,054,000.00. The broker comment was the same as the above-mentioned comment.
In July of 2016, there was a “Regulatory” filed by FINRA against JAMES A CONWELL, fining him $5,000 and suspending him for 30 days. In November of 2007, according to BrokerCheck, there was an “Employment Separation After Allegations” filed against Conwell, in which he was “permitted to resign” from COMPASS BROKERAGE, INC. of Fairhope, Alabama, following the allegations of, “KNOWING CERTIFICATION OF FALSE SIGNATURE.”
To discuss this or any other securities issues, call Soreide Law Group and speak to an experienced securities lawyer at no cost at: 888-760-6552.
Soreide Law Group represents our clients nationwide before FINRA on a contingency fee basis.