Soreide Law Group, PLLC, has been conducting investigations into several REITs. Cornerstone Core Properties REIT was at one time valued around $8.00 per share. If you were an investor at that price, you have now seen that value tumble to its current approximate value of $2.25. This non-traded Real Estate Investment Trust has suffered a sharp decline in tenant occupancy. It was 69% at the end of 2011 and 92% as 2008 came to an end. Additionally, this REIT was prevented from raising necessary capital for funding due to alleged regulatory issues.
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, also know as FINRA, has been closely monitoring the sale of non-traded REITs and how those products were marketed. REITs have occasionally been marketed as safe investments by certain broker/dealears when in fact they are often illequid and extremely risky to the investor.
Securities lawyer, Lars K. Soreide, of Soreide Law Group is currently investigating any alleged improper marketing to the clients by their financial advisors or broker/dealers. If you feel you have incurred losses through your purchase of Cornerstone Core Properties due to your stock broker or financial advisor’s recommendations, call for a free consultation on how to potentially recover your losses. To speak with an attorney call 888-760-6552, or visit our website at:
Soreide Law Group, PLLC., representing investors nationwide before FINRA the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.