Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) BrokerCheck reveals disclosures about securities broker David Dean Glienke [CRD: 5502866, Westlake Village, California].
David Glienke has been employed by Western International Securities, Inc. since May 28, 2008, where he is registered as both a broker and an investment adviser representative. Recent disclosures raise concerns about Glienke’s conduct, including allegations of unsuitable recommendations and misrepresentation.
Western International Securities Client Files Arbitration Claim Alleging Unsuitable Recommendations
On September 11, 2024, a client of Western International Securities filed a complaint alleging that David Glienke made an unsuitable investment recommendation and provided misleading information. The dispute involves corporate debt securities and alleges damages of $200,000. This matter is currently pending resolution through FINRA Arbitration (Case No. 24-01839).
Western International Securities Client Files Arbitration Claim Alleging Misrepresentation of Investment
On December 18, 2023, another client of Western International Securities filed a complaint alleging that David Glienke misrepresented an investment. The dispute also involves corporate debt securities and alleges damages of $100,000. This matter remains unresolved and is pending under FINRA Arbitration (Case No. 23-03504).
Looking for more information about David Glienke? If so, reach out to Soreide Law Group online or at (888) 760-6552 to speak with a securities attorney. The team at Soreide Law Group works on a contingency basis, advances costs as needed, and assists investors across the country with recovering losses from sales practice misconduct. Glienke and the firms he has worked for deny accusations of sales practice violations.