Securities Attorney, Lars Soreide, of Soreide Law Group was recently quoted in an article from the Reno Gazette-Journal, written by Jaclyn O’Malley regarding former broker Gary Harrison Lane. The quote reads as follows:
"Florida securities attorney Lars Soreide said Tuesday he has represented a few clients who have recently settled with broker firms connected to Lane, that he accused of negligently superivising Lane’s activities and “selling away” investments. He said he could not give specifics because the civil cases were resolved under confidential agreements. Soreide said had the brokers properly supervised Lane, they would have uncovered the fraud."
Soreide Law Group first brought attention to Gary Lane in the website blog entitled, "ATTENTION CLIENTS OF GARY LANE," dated October 7, 2011. Since then, Lane was indited on federal charges. The above article from the website blog listing the award for Mr. Soreide's clients, was dated September 5, 2011.
Gary Harrison Lane had worked for Banc of America Investment Services in Reno, Nevada, from July 1999 through October 2009 and for Merrill Lynch in Reno, Nevada, from October 2009 through March 2011, where he was terminated for the alleged improprieties. Lane allegedly targeted inexperienced investors, and the elderly. He is accused of a Ponzi scheme which had bilked his clients over $2 million.
Securities Attorney, Lars Soreide, successfully settled the claims in favor of his clients though a FINRA arbitration.
If you or a loved one experienced financial losses because of Gary Harrison Lane, call Soreide Law Group, and speak to an attorney regarding potential recovery of YOUR losses. Please call 888-760-6552 or visit us on the web at