Soreide Law Group is investigating possible investor claims against securities broker William Worthen King (also known as Bill King) [CRD: 1432593, Vero Beach, Florida]. Specifically, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) BrokerCheck discloses that investors disputed the sales practices of the securities broker, who worked for Merrill Lynch. Evidently, investors allege sales practice violations in these disputes, including unsuitable trading and misrepresentation. Here is a brief summary of the disclosures about King.
King Discloses Misrepresentation Allegations By Merrill Lynch Client
Notably, a client of Merrill Lynch contested William King’s sales practices by filing FINRA Arbitration: 23-02082 on July 27, 2023. Allegedly, King made misrepresentations and engaged in unsuitable trading. It appears that King caused the client to sustain damages on options. Therefore, the client seeks compensatory relief from Merrill Lynch or King in the amount of between $500,000 and $750,000 in this ongoing matter.
Merrill Lynch Investor Accused William King Of Unauthorized Trading
Particularly, on July 24, 2023, a Merrill Lynch client filed FINRA Arbitration: 23-02047 about William King. Namely, the client alleged that King engaged in unauthorized trading, made unsuitable recommendations and misrepresentations. Because of this, the client allegedly sustained damages on stocks and options. Therefore, the client requested $4,000,000 in compensation from Merrill Lynch or King. Evidently, this arbitration is pending a resolution.
King Discloses Unsuitable Trading Allegations By Merrill Lynch Client
Particularly, a client of Merrill Lynch contested William King’s sales practices by filing FINRA Arbitration: 23-02000 on July 17, 2023. Allegedly, King engaged in unsuitable trading, engaged in unauthorized trading, and inappropriately used margin. It appears that King caused the client to sustain damages on options. Therefore, the client seeks compensatory relief from Merrill Lynch or King.
Merrill Lynch Investor Accused William King Of Misrepresentation
Additionally, on June 12, 2023, a Merrill Lynch client filed a complaint about William King. Namely, the client alleged that King made misrepresentations and engaged in unauthorized trading. Because of this, the client allegedly sustained damages on options. Therefore, the client requested compensation from Merrill Lynch or King. Evidently, this complaint is pending a resolution.
King Discloses Mismanagement Allegations By Merrill Lynch Client
Also, a client of Merrill Lynch contested William King’s sales practices by filing FINRA Arbitration: 22-01821. Allegedly, King mismanaged investment accounts. It appears that King caused the client to sustain damages. Therefore, Merrill Lynch opted to settle the matter on June 12, 2023, by compensating the client in the amount of $212,500.
Merrill Lynch Investor Accused William King Of Unauthorized Trading
Particularly, a Merrill Lynch client filed a complaint about William King. Namely, the client alleged that King engaged in unauthorized trading. Because of this, the client allegedly sustained damages on options. Therefore, on May 9, 2023, Merrill Lynch settled this matter by paying the client $20,000 in damages.
Merrill Lynch Investor Accused William King Of Failure To Follow Instructions
Additionally, a Merrill Lynch client filed a complaint about William King. Namely, the client alleged that King failed to follow instructions. Because of this, the client allegedly sustained damages on stocks. Therefore, on March 9, 2023, Merrill Lynch settled this matter by paying the client.
William King worked for Merrill Lynch as a securities broker from November 1985 to May 2023.
Damages Resulting From Merrill Lynch Securities Broker William King?
Have you suffered damages because of William King? If so, get in touch with Soreide Law Group online or at (888) 760-6552 and speak with a securities attorney regarding a possible recovery of your investment losses. Soreide Law Group, a firm that has recovered money for investors throughout the United States, works on a contingency fee basis and advances all costs. King and brokerage firms King worked for deny accusations of sales practice violations.