Securities Broker Stephen Ferencik Referenced In Unsuitable Alternative Investment Allegations By Arkadios Capital, ACG Wealth, And UBS Clients
Soreide Law Group is reviewing potential investor claims relating to securities broker and financial advisor, Stephen John Ferencik (“Stephen John Ferencilz”) (CRD#: 3126037, Atlanta, Georgia). Evidently, Ferencik worked for firms including ACG Wealth Inc. (August 2010 to March 2021), Triad Advisors Inc. (April 2011 to February 2017), Arkadios Capital (January 2017 to present), and Arkadios Wealth Advisors (April 2020). Notably, FINRA BrokerCheck shows that nine investors disputed Ferencik’s sales practices, and three of those disputes are from April 2020 or more recently. Here’s a quick summary of the disputes.
Stephen Ferencik’s Arkadios Capital Client Alleges Unsuitable Alternative Investments
Evidently, Stephen Ferencik serviced a client's account at Arkadios Capital from 2017 to 2021. The client's March 2021 FINRA Arbitration Claim alleges that Ferencik made unsuitable alternative investment transactions during that time. Suitability concerns important things about an investor, including risk tolerance, investment objectives, financial needs, and investment experience. For this reason, the client asked for $200,000 in compensation to resolve this ongoing matter.
Client Of ACG Wealth Alleges Unsuitable Structured Notes
It seems that a second client of Stephen Ferencik’s at ACG Wealth alleged unsuitability. The May 2020 dispute alleges that Ferencik improperly had them invest in structured notes. It appears that by investing in the structured notes from 2018 to 2019, the client incurred losses. This matter is ongoing.
Stephen Ferencik Supposedly Makes Inappropriate Structured Notes Sale
BrokerCheck also shows that Stephen Ferencik’s sales practices are the focus of an April 2020 dispute brought by an ACG Wealth client. Supposedly, the ACG client purchased bad structured notes from Ferencik between 2018 and 2019. For this reason, the client seeks compensation to resolve this matter.
Ferencik’s Issues At UBS Relate To Alleged Unsuitable Trading
In a prior dispute concerning Stephen Ferencik, a UBS Financial Services client alleges unauthorized and unsuitable trading of stocks. That client received $22,500 to settle this matter. Also, a different UBS Financial Services client alleged excessive trading, resulting in damages. Because of this, UBS Financial Services paid them $17,300 to resolve the matter.
It appears that UBS Financial Services discharged Ferencik as a securities broker to resolve allegations that he made trades in client accounts in violation of company policy.
Morgan Stanley Disputes About Stephen Ferencik
Moreover, a Morgan Stanley client brought a dispute about Stephen Ferencik’s unit investment trust sales. Supposedly, Ferencik misrepresented UITs. However, Morgan Stanley denied that dispute. And a different Morgan Stanley client alleged excessive trading without their knowledge, but the firm denied this dispute.
Losses Through Ferencik?
Did you suffer losses because of securities broker Stephen Ferencik? If so, call Soreide Law Group at (888) 760-6552 and speak with a helpful securities lawyer about a potential recovery of your losses. Soreide Law Group represents clients on a contingency fee basis and advances all costs. The firm has recovered substantial compensation for hundreds of United States investors who have incurred losses from their financial advisors and securities brokers. Please note that Ferencik denies all allegations of his sales practice violations.