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May 27, 2023
Morgan Stanley Terminates Chris Stocks

Soreide Law Group is investigating possible investor claims against securities broker Chris Stocks (CRD: 2600346, Scottsdale, Arizona). Evidently, Morgan Stanley terminated the securities broker for cause. Here is a brief summary of the allegations against Stocks. Morgan Stanley Disaffiliates With Stocks For Outside Business Activities Supposedly, on November 11, 2021, Morgan Stanley disaffiliated with Stocks. […]

May 23, 2023
Jeffrey Miller Discloses Allegations Of Unsuitable Recommendations

Investors have come forward with complaints about securities broker Jeffrey Adam Miller (CRD: 4251936, Greenwich, Connecticut). Evidently, the securities broker, who worked for UBS Financial Services Inc., discloses client disputes via Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) BrokerCheck. Evidently, UBS Financial Services Inc. clients allege that Miller made unsuitable recommendations. For more on these disclosures about […]

April 27, 2023
Investors Complain About Scott Wilson

Soreide Law Group is looking into possible investor claims against securities broker Scott Curtis Wilson (CRD: 861144, New York, New York). Specifically, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) BrokerCheck discloses that investors disputed the sales practices of the securities broker, who worked for Morgan Stanley. Evidently, investors allege sales practice violations in these disputes, including that […]

April 24, 2023
FINRA Sanctions Fernando Silva

Soreide Law Group is looking into possible investor claims against securities broker Fernando Silva (CRD: 7326519, Tucson, Arizona). Particularly, FINRA sanctioned the securities broker, who worked for Morgan Stanley. Allegedly, Silva did not cooperate with a FINRA investigation. Here is a brief summary of FINRA’s allegations against Silva. Silva Sanctioned By FINRA For Failure To […]

April 22, 2023
Investors Complain About Shawn Oliver

Soreide Law Group is looking into possible investor claims against securities broker Shawn Oliver (CRD: 2015244, Napa, California). Specifically, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) BrokerCheck discloses that investors disputed the sales practices of the securities broker, who worked for UBS Financial Services Inc. Evidently, investors allege sales practice violations in these disputes, including that Oliver […]

April 20, 2023
FINRA Sanctions David Lau

Soreide Law Group has learned of possible investor claims against securities broker David Lau (also known as David Luu) (CRD: 4567411, Santa Rosa, California). Particularly, FINRA sanctioned the securities broker, who worked for Morgan Stanley. Allegedly, Lau engaged in discretionary trading. Here is a brief summary of FINRA’s allegations against Lau. Lau Sanctioned By FINRA […]

April 19, 2023
David Jack Discloses Allegations Of Unsuitable Recommendations

Soreide Law Group is looking into possible investor claims against securities broker David William Jack (CRD: 2415526, Paramus, New Jersey). Specifically, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) BrokerCheck discloses that investors disputed the sales practices of the securities broker, who worked for Morgan Stanley. Evidently, investors allege sales practice violations in these disputes, including that Jack […]

April 14, 2023
Darryl Cohen Facing Allegations Of Unsuitable Recommendations

FINRA reports important information about securities broker Darryl Matthew Cohen (CRD: 2786613, Westlake Village, California). Evidently, investors disputed the sales practices of the securities broker, who worked for Morgan Stanley. Additionally, the securities broker discloses a regulatory enforcement action. However, Cohen denies the allegations of sales practice violations. Read on to learn more about the […]

March 21, 2023
FINRA Sanctions John Griner

Soreide Law Group is investigating possible investor claims against John Griner (also known as John Frederick Griner) (CRD: 1024669, Athens, Georgia). Notably, FINRA sanctioned the securities broker, who worked for Morgan Stanley. Allegedly, Griner engaged in discretionary trading. Here is a brief summary of FINRA’s allegations against Griner. However, please note that Griner denies the […]

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